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Easy Steps for Planning Your Week

Oct 05, 2022

Pick a planning day

I do all my planning for the week on Sunday. Whatever day you decide to plan on, make sure you are planning for 7 days out. I also plan my year, quarters, and month, but this post is focusing on the week. When you have picked a day that works best for you, you want to set your intention for the week. Think through what you want to accomplish by the end of the week and then think of small steps to get there. This past Sunday I wanted to accomplish a sense of balance. So I had to make sure EVERYTHING was scheduled out. I scheduled my workout time, chiropractor time, kids activities, everything. As they say, it’s hard to construct a plan in air, so you have to pick a day that works for you to think ahead. Planning leads to preparation, organization, and balance. Without it I might just lose my mind. 

Pick your Categories

Most people wear multiple hats. Under all those hats are thousands of tasks and to-do’s that need to be accomplished. The categories I use to plan are: family, rentals, business, contract, personal. Under these categories I start to list out my rocks for the week. I will explain more about what a “rock” is a little further down. Your categories are your bread and butter. They help you get clear on all areas you need to focus and want to focus. Let’s say I notice I haven’t spent time with friends in awhile. Then it is up to me to create a plan to see them. All family dinner parties, which we tend to have a lot of, fall under my personal category. Pick your categories based on what you desire to see in your week.  

Pick your Rocks

“Rocks” is another name for REALLY Important to-do’s and important to-do’s. I have Big Rocks and Little Rocks. Examples of Big Rocks that fall under the family category: meal plan for the week, add swim lessons, and check game schedule. Examples of Little Rocks would be: invite friends for dinner and check grades. Once I have my big rocks and little rocks listed out for each category. I input the date into my family calendar or personal calendar. 

  Add your items to the proper calendar

Like many of you, I have many calendars shared with different people. My family calendar is shared with my husband and older children. On this calendar they will find chores that are due, activities, family events, and meals. My work, volunteer, and personal calendar all have different color events. My personal calendar is blue, my family calendar is bright orange, while my volunteer calendar is light purple. You will find an example of my Monday posted below.

Delegate Responsiblity

I fully realize that I CANNOT do it all by myself. I rely on my husband, mother, sister and others to help. Even super heroes had sidekicks. The only thing that comes with doing "it" alone, is added stress. I get that some people may not have the same type of help that I have but there are people out there who can help if you only ask. When I am planning out my week I tell my husband what things he is responsible for otherwise it falls on me or doesn't get done. My group of helpers have to know when to pick up kids from activities, when to cook, and when to drop off. And most of the time it gets added to the calendar.

I often joke that if it’s not in my calendar it’s not going to happen. Having to juggle so many lives and activities I have to be organized. This is a system that works for me. I had to start small and build. This method may seem too easy for some and too difficult for others. That's why it’s important to know yourself. If you are anything like me, I read something and try to apply the information exactly how it is written. Then I will quickly find out that it doesn’t work the same way it worked for the person who wrote it. The same applies here. Try some of these steps out and see what sticks, if nothing sticks then develop your own method. The purpose is to find something that helps make life easier and more efficient. 

Happy Planning. 

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